Relationship therapy with Elizabeth Ohito, LCSW

affirming of queer & transgender people, couples & families of all constellations 


If your relationships don't feel good, the rest of your life probably doesn't either.

The quality of our connections shapes the quality of our lives. All relationship go through periods of strain - change and transition, times of miscommunication, and painful experiences. Couples and relationship therapy can be an opportunity to sit together - on purpose and with support - for the help you need to move through to whatever comes next for you.


Struggling to communicate so that your partner really gets it

Missing the warmth and affection that brought you together to begin with

Wondering if you're in the right relationship


“I believe that we don’t have to accept the relationships we have, we can pursue the ones we want.”

I welcome you and whichever relationship brought you here. Sometimes we need some extra help - some updating of our relationship toolbox. Other times call for a complete overhaul, a remaking of your relationship into a unit beyond your imagination of what it could be. Couples therapy is a chance to have me as your dedicated partner in shaping the relationship beyond what you have dreamed of.

Coming Soon: The Relationship Repair Podcast

Common questions about couples therapy

Let’s make therapy simple.

Free Initial Consultation Call

During this free 15-minute initial call, I will get to know more about what brings you and your partner or family to therapy. This will be a chance for you to determine if we are a good fit for working together.

Schedule Your First Visit

The initial session visit is 90-minutes long, an opportunity to get to know you and your partner/family in more detail in order to make a plan for how I can best support you.

On-Going Sessions + Resources

Subsequent sessions are 55-minutes long and are strucutred according to the themes we determine together. After sessions, I provide additional tools and resources that you can access between sessions.


Couples Therapy

Relationship therapy for people in romantic relationships. Partnerships of all constellations. and gender orientations welcome.

Family Therapy

Therapy for adult family members interested in getting support through challenging family dynamics.